1.The smallest veins are in direct contact with chlorenchyma, both palisade and spongy tissue.
2.Everything in her testomany was correct down to the smallest detail.
3.I have planned the whole thing to the smallest detail.
4.The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.
5.The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple.
6.nonacid hydrophobic matters at 8% were the smallest group.Hydrophobic acids had high aromatic carbon contents.
7.Women like her seldom stay on an even keel.Even the smallest things upset them.
像她那样的女人很少有情绪稳定的时候, 点小事也会使她们心烦意乱。
8.My boss is a real old woman. He gets so annoyed if I make even the smallest mistake.
9.The 2-kilogram creature supplants the chicken-sized insectivore Albertonykus Borealis as the smallest known dinosaur in North America.
10.The smallest element appended to a forted list and is replaced by the next element from its sublist.
11.The rest of us are reprimanded for even the smallest transgression, while he can get away with murder.
我们其他的人哪怕只有点鸡毛蒜皮的过失都要受责备, 而他则过失再大也安然无事。
12.It has the largest edge, the biggest Interspersion and Juxtaposition index (IJI), and the smallest mean nearest neighbor distance (MNN) (only 144m).
13.Another problem of minimality also remains unsolved—to wit, what is the smallest number of digits a puzzle maker can place in a starting grid and still guarantee a unique solution?
14.Silk uses revenue stamp of screen mesh planography mostly, printing beautiful circle is very big, the smallest beautiful circle also has Lxl.Sin.