7.He has the occasional cigarette, but mostly he smokes a pipe.
偶尔香, 但通常是斗。
8.You think I smoke a lot? You should meet Joe—he smokes like a chimney.
9.Smith says he smokes fifty cigarettes a day; he's a slave to smoking.
史密斯说一天50支香, 真是一个鬼。
10.I don't like her because she is too tall and furthermore she smokes too much.
我不喜欢, 因为太高, 另外太厉害。
11.She smokes and she drinks. She’s really kicking over the traces, and her parents don’t know what to do with her.
12.5.Imagine that you are a nonsmoker sharing a room with a smoker.According to the Coase theorem, what determines whether your roommate smokes in the room?