6.the orator has been apt to deal in sounding commonplaces.
7.He is fond of using high-sounding phrases.
8.sounding out the sense of the electorate on capital punishment.
9.was always sounding off about higher taxes.
10.he's been taking soundings about the possibility of moving his offices.
11.My ‘lawyers in charge’ warning klaxon has been sounding furiously.
12.Just as smooth and real sounding as the tube gear, but with better focus and overall tidier presentation.
13.He keeps sounding off about his exploits in the Far East.
14.factory whistles sounding a forest-fire warning.. See also Synonyms at fear ,frighten
传达森林起火警报的工厂哨声 参见同义词 fear ,frighten
15.Nowadays the wide angle reflection/refraction-the deep-crustal sounding is usually used as a seismic method in the world mainly for Studying rough structure of Moho &its overling beds.
16.From Alexander the grammarian, to refrain from fault-finding, and not in a reproachful way to chide those who uttered any barbarous or solecistic or strange-sounding expression;
17.The relationship between arctic tropopause height and surface air temperature is discussed by using the aerological sounding and surface data during 1977-1990 in Beijing area.