4.In your girlfriend housing Southwest live wire or cast overstride.
5.There is one part of the country with an especially large Indian population. That is the southwest.
6.The demographics of the Southwest indicate a growing population of older consumers.
7.A small bulbous plant (Chionodoxa luciliae) native to southwest Asia, Crete, and Cyprus, cultivated for its early-blooming blue flowers.
8.The fungus was detected near the town of Nao Me Toque, which is about 100 kilometers southwest of Passo Fundo.
9.I also think impassability, they so southwest the place of 4 wreaths, how run to recruit a person in the pass village.
10.Dongpu depression, a oil-gas bearing basin, is situated in the southwest Bohaiwan basin.Puwei sag is a subunit that is tectonically located in the north central upheave of Dongpu depression.
11.A historical region and former countship of southwest France in Gascony. Added to the French royal domain in '07, the area is now noted for its viniculture.
13.At each observation spot the predominant direction of wind was mainly souther, still having the southeast or southwester at 12:00-18:00;
14.Lying as it does in the deep waters of the Western Pacific, Japan winds in and out like a snake from southwest to northeast, a distance of more than two thousand miles.