2.We should specify a time and a place for the meeting.
3.it is impossible to specify the exact locus in the brain of these neural events.
4.the agency failed to specify that the workers were not their employees.
5.The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination.
6.<br> 引导的动态可引导模块名。
Specify the name of a dynamically loadable module to load.
7.the coup leader promised an election but did not specify a date.
8.The third clause of the contract specifies steel sashes for the windows.
9.the minister tried to fudge the issue by saying he did not want to specify periods.
10.<br> 搜索可引导模块的目录列表。
Specify a list of directories to search for loadable modules.
11."An indorsement in blank specifies no indorsee, and a bill so indorsed ecomes payable to bearer."
12.this item specifies the number of clock cycles needed after a bank active command before a precharge can occur.
13.The <orderby> tag specifies which field the report should be ordered by. In this case, the report will be ordered by the Lastname field in the Employees table.
14.Many engine OEMs specify the minimum equilibrium TBN of the used lubric, in addition to other parameters that should be carefully monitored in order to ensure the oil is in satisfactory condition .
15.This essay based on research of basic data analyses the resources situation of Mn-ore in Gansu Province,specifies the characters of resources of polianite and main types of polianite.