3.the DNA was visualized by staining with ethidium bromide.
4.At this phase condensed, deeply staining chromatin masses are often seen in the nucleoplasm.
5.Acidophilia staining of acinus fluid of inside lobule is deeper than that of lateral lobule.
6.Staining for agrin, the major HS proteoglycan core protein in the GBM, was unaltered.
7.Chromomere A small beadlike deeply staining structure seen in chromosomes during prophase of mitosis and meiosis.
8.This review focused on the research progress on bacterial flagella,including staining methods,the structure and function of flagella gene,as well as immunegenicity.of flagellin.
9.The penetration of MPS becomes apparent by the pronounced metachromatic staining in corium and subcutis;
10.BRCAl-staining status was not associated with patient age, histologic grade and myometrial invasion in type I endometrial carcinoma.
11.Biocytin stainings indicated that the recorded neurons located in MVN and the axons’ terminals went into the area of the medial E group neurons.
Biocytin细胞内示踪,显示神经元位于前庭内侧核,其纤维末端进入面神经膝内侧group E区。
12.SMA staining was positive in basophilous small blocks, spindle or irregular cell cluster.Of the 218 cases, 56 cases had smooth muscle.
13.Externally applied, this safe, non-irritating and effective cleanser and beautifier removes unsightly stains and inhibits dark staining production.
14.Conclusions: Ponceau 2R-brilliant green double staining technique is a quick,simple and reliable myelin stain method in demonstrating the fasciculi in the central nervous system.
15.Figure 4 After transplantation for 3 weeks, a lot of cartilage lacunas were found in compounds in nude mice(Haematoxylin-eosin staining,×100)
Every ten nude mice were killed at 8 and 12 weeks and were examined by safranine O-fast green and toluidine blue staining.
17.Prevention of color difference and color staining in the printing process,and after treatment involving steaming,open washing,stentering and finishing were discussed.
18.Methods 3% trypanblau was intravenously injected into experimental rabbits.The subcutaneous loose connective tissue of abdominal wall was removed for stretching,staining and observed under microscope.
19.With routine HE staining, focal inflammation occurred in the mucous membrane of DMC colon and that the neuronal vacuolus of the intermuscular nerve plexus degenerated, reduced and even disappeared.