2.steroids have a depressive effect on the immune system.
3.he tested positive for steroids during the race.
4.Could steroids mask the diagnosis of cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis?
5.The patient was treated successfully with thoracoscopic partial pericardiectomy and low-dose maintenance steroids and colchicine for two months.
6.THG's chemical structure is similar to that of trenbolone and gestrinone, both synthetic anabolic steroids banned for athletic use by international sports federations.
7.LORI WALLACH: Basically, NAFTA on steroids with six more countries. That model has a core of rules that literally promote, incentivize shipping jobs away.
8.We report a case of acute respiratory failure due to tracheobronchomalacia secondary to RP, which was treated with steroids, a tracheostomy, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).