1.the plant was to serve as the template for change throughout the company.
2.Templates, or the data representing the enrollee’s biometric.
3.The first template parameter is the type of object to allocate/deallocate.
4.From OO to Generic Programming, Template Metaprogram, Generative Programming;
5.For example: brevibacterium diazoresin treantment exposure during bleaching, it can change the surprint template color.
6.Use the curved surface as a template to cut out a handle from the residue formboard.
7.As improving, cheap and easy synthesized soft template- “Sodium caprylate-Decanol-Water” reverse hexagonal liquid crystal was used in this way.
8.The system adopts comparison of spectrum template, calibration of beaconing, mode identification, telemetering pick-up technology and improve the inspection technology of satellite interference.
9.And the maker of a false invoices to make fake invoice template was low in cost, it is impossible to spend lot do password area of cryptographically random.
10.A molecularly imprinted solid phase extractant, particularly for the recognition of diphenylguanidine (DPG) was prepared using diphenylguanidine (DPG) as the template and bulk polymerization.
11.The only meaning we can ascribe to a template parameter is to distinguish whether the parameter is a type parameter or a nontype parameter.
12.4. 一旦你知道了每个方块需要的尺寸,用三角板在硬卡纸上裁剪出这样大小的纸片,这将是你的。
4.Once you know the size each square needs to be, use a setsquare to cut out a piece of card this size - this will be your template.
13.My colleagues and I described a sequencing-by-ligation system that used polony bead amplification of the template DNA and a common digital microscope to read fluorescent signals.
14.A biotemplate technique was emplored to prepare biomorphic ZnO, using eggshell membrane (ESM) as the template which is infiltrated with zinc alkoxide solution and followed by calcination treatment.
15.Generalized UWB-ATR receiver is proposed, in which the local template waveform is computed as the average of the channel responses to nonfinite M transmitted reference pulses.
16.An entity is a value, object, subobject, base class subobject, array element, variable, function, instance of a function, enumerator, type, class member, template, or namespace.