1.Undescended testis is frequently accompanied with the anomalies of the spermatic cord,gubernaculum testis,processus vaginalis,and epididymis.
2.Objective To differentiate the diagnosis of acute testitis and testis distortion.
3.Statis-tics show that bronchial provocation testis better than intracutaneous test.
4.Methods 4 patients underwent testis homotransplantion with their relatives testis as donor tissue.Of them, 2 suffered from iatrogenic anorchia and the other 2 from hypogonadism.
5.The testis at spermatogonium phase is small and transparent, and the spermatogenetic cells in seminiferous tubule primarily consist of spermatogonia;
6.The testis at spermatid phase develops continually, and is deep in color, and the spermatogenetic cells in seminiferous tubule are primarily composed of spermatids.
7.Spermatogonial stem cells with DsRed2 expression were detected on frozen section of testis from the recipient mouse 6 wafter transplantation.
移植后6 周,受体睾丸冰冻切片上可见表达红荧光蛋的原细胞。
8.The spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules of testis are on four different stages, including primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatoon, and spermatozoa.
9.Sonography is ery useful in detection of undescended testes.The undescended testis is usually small.It is ooid and reeals a homogeneous, hypoechoic structure.