6.We cannot be thankful enough to you for your timely and selfish help.
7.The state shall timely formulate the requirements on the minimum rate of use of the reclaimable materials.
8.Mail your package early so as to ensure its timely arrival.
9.It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience.
10.The timely rain after a long time of drought will certainly bring on the crops.
11.The drafting department shall timely circularize the drafting information to the Department of Policies and Regulations.
12.The sincerest admiration comes compendiously,timely and naturaly,it alway be given at the front of the others.
13.Timely treatment of photocoagulation and (or) cryotherapy for prethreshold type 1 and threshold disease of ROP may lead to famous prognosis.
14.What this shows is that the purpose of the provision of timely redelivery in the charterparty is to enable the ship to be at the full disposal of the owners from the redelivery date.
15.the abouchement and remit rance of exchange, which tally with the national relevant stipulations, should be handled timely;
16.A dairy animal raiser shall timely clear, transport and dispose of the egesta and waste produced in raising dairy animals.
17.When drill hole in sandy soil the desander should be timely turned on to reduce the sand content and ensure the drilling progressing and stability of the hole.
18.5.Collect、arrange、analysis the marketing information,find out the industry that our company is undertaking timely、latest tendency of the product and corrival,and can offer veracious information。6.
19.Voice call the police, Briefness, Safety, Dependable ossesses battery capacity lack, Sensor damage warning, Can timely remind consumer to announciator proceed maintain .
20.Early diagnosis may be important because secondary local and systemic infection may supervene and, without timely and appropriate intervention, the disease often leads to sepsis and death.