2.the site of the tomb was a place of sanctity for the ancient Egyptians.
3.the tomb had been defiled and looted.
4.the tomb was surmounted by a sculptured angel.
5.My soul is a tomb where, bad cenobite,
6.splendid tombs that attested their power.See Synonyms at indicate
作为他们权力证据辉煌碑参见 indicate
7.the tombs had lain undisturbed for 2,500 years.
8.While alone and insane incased in his tomb,
9.Many things left by the ancient Egyptians in tombs have been brought to light.
10.Of the 13 tombs of Souther Dynasties, the structures of the coffin chamber and the burial objects are similar to those of the cotemporary tombs discovered in Guangdong Province.
11.The following day, 26 April, the Postulator paid his respects at the tomb of the Servant of God in the Ljubljana cemetery.
12.Writings at the site led experts to identify the tomb as belonging to Marcus Nonius Macrinus, one of the closest aides and generals of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
13.Abstract: That the painting on stone or brick in Han dynasty existed a lot in the burgrave tomb in Han, which possessed twoness of buiilding materials and art works.
14.The city’s ruins include mosques, churches, hamam baths, tombs, palaces and a bridge dating to 1116.
15.Zenghou Yi Tomb was famous for a great deal of cultural relic,for self-contained types.The vessel culpt and emblazonment reflects the apotheosis of dragon culture.