3.Leaf base cordate; flowers 8–18 mm in diam.; abaxial surface of calyx tomentose and villous; flowers petalous.
4.Young stems terete to frequently 4-angled or subalate, glabrous, puberulous, pubescent, or tomentose, often glabrescent.
5.Rachis and pedicels lanuginose or tomentose; bracts orbicular-ovate, 5–7 mm, both surfaces densely sericeous; calyx adaxially densely sericeous; leaf base subcordate.
6.Leaf base rounded to shallowly cordate; flowers 6–8 mm in diam.; abaxial surface of calyx tomentose; flowers petalous or apetalous.
7.Fruit ellipsoid, slightly dorsally compressed, 2–4.5 × 1.5–2.5 mm, densely tomentose or squamose-scaly, especially along ridges;