1.The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat. See also Synonyms at resort
卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上 参见同义词 resort
2.Category 2: tatting cotton cloth, excluding etamine, loop, pile nap, tulle and other cotton cloths of woven mesh fabric;
Category 2: tatting cotton cloth, excluding etamine, loop, pile nap, tulle and other cotton cloths of woven mesh fabric;
4.Traditional fabrics are combined specially to create tremendously contemporary and seductive figures.Crepes, tulles, satins, organzine and gazar.
5.Close up, the workmanship that went into each ripple and shadowy layer of tulle was inimitably precious, yet somehow the designers successfully dodged the hazard of veering into overdone froufrou.