3.an underdeveloped nation that was a pawn in international politics.
4.underdeveloped leaves and flowers.
5.It’s in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
6.Part teacher cognition being a misadvise from the computer assistant didactical, the underdeveloped courseware for the agility and bardian in the teacher teaching facet.
7.The silica-phellem block and stomate tubercle on 3rd leaf are underdeveloped, the tubercle of stomate block is small and dense in japonica, big and sparse in O.
8.After October revolution, lenin sets out from " of Russian " existent society, explored the particular way that underdeveloped etatism builds.
9.In contrast to prominent ear with underdeveloped antihelix fold, over-convex-antihelix ear reveals a sharp acute angle of antihelix and over-concaved scapha.