5.He had formed an unfavorable opinion of my work.
6.Herbs paludose or aquatic, perennial or under unfavorable conditions annual.
7.The administration's position on taxes was set in cement despite the unfavorable public response.
8.The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
9.The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
10.retrieved the ball from the end zone) or to the rectification of unfavorable consequences or the making good of something gone amiss or awry:
努力地从端线处救那个球) 或对之后果补救,或对出错误或偏离事物纠正:
11.In spite of the unfavorable weather, the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
尽管天气好, 但粮食产量并未下降, 甚至比去年还略有增加。
12.Pregnancy is unfavorable apolaustic sexual life is gravid in 3 months, placenta has not been formed completely, embryonic organization is returned on adherent Yu Gongbi not quite firm, ..
13.This paper also analyzes the unfavorable influence on loaded force of web from consortion, creepage and prestress as well as provides relative measures and design suggestions.