4.hypaxial Any structure morphologically ventral to the chordal axis;
5.It receives dopaminergic innervations from ventral tegment area and SNc, and noradrenergic and serotonergic innervations from the locus ceruleus (LC) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), respectively.
6.sexual hooklet One of a series of tiny spines or hooks along the anteriormost rays of the ventral and anal fins of most male Characidae.
7.The results indicate that transverse section of stem is mutirhomboidal, the cuticulas of cuticle and ventral are thicker in Barbula asperifolia Mitt.
8.In the posterior segment, its dorsoventral axis was the longest, and could be divided into two parts: the dorsal and the ventral parts.
9.Pro-,meso-and metapleuron of ventral surface and posterior margin of sides of abdominal segments with yellow pubescent maculae.
10.The main results were as follows: The pituitary gland of Ophiocephalus argus(Cantor) part of the ventral diencephalons and tergal sphenoid, where there is no visible sphenoid hollowness.
究结果如下: 1.乌鳢脑垂体位于间脑腹,蝶骨背,没有明显蝶骨窝。
11.Seeds elliptic, base sharp, apex retuse, back chalazal knot zonate, with transverse and obtuse ribs, ventral holes furrowed from upper middle to apex.
12.A pseudo-cartridge of sex-specific ommatidium projects into basement membrane of ventral compound eye in a female Atylotus miser Szilady. 1~6, axons of peripheral retinula cells;
13.Seeds obovoid-elliptic, base rostrate, apex retuse, raphe raised, ventral holes groovelike or obovate-elliptic in shape upward nearly 1/3.
15.ventral marginal In the clasper skeleton, a flat semicylindrical cartilage that is partially fused to the lateral edge of the axial cartilage, and forms the lateral wall of the clasper groove.
16.Methods:6 OHDA was stereoscopically injected into right side of the mesencephic ventral tegmental area(VTA) and substantia nigra pars compacta(NpcS).
18.The central nervous systeM consisted of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord, and the differentiations aMong protocerebruM, deutocerebruM and tritocerebruM were obvious.
19.Most fishes have unstriated rays along the anterior part of the dorsal and ventral edges (leading edges) of the caudal fin.