a viable newborn child
a viable newborn child
a viable plan; a viable national economy.See Synonyms at possible
行计划;望成功国家经济参见 possible
It is only their investment that makes the programme economically viable.
Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal-combustion engines.
A summary of the effects of temperature, pressure, shaliness on Archie equation is given on the basis of the previous study on the influence factors.And a viable correction method is proposed.
Making cars by hand is possible but not economically feasible. Somethingviable is both practicable and workable; the term often implies capacity for continuing effectiveness or success:
手工制造汽车是能,但从经济角度讲是行不通。 Viable 指既行又能有效实行; 这个词经常表示延续有效性或成功能力:
From the visual prognosis of our series, transscleral fixation of posterior chamber lens appears to be a viable alternative to improve functional visual acuity in acapsular aphakic patients.
Passive and Hybrid Downdraught Cooling, which rely on natural cooling processes based on water evaporation and solar power, are now technically viable in many parts of the world.