4.Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.
5.He has the virtues of thrift and hard work.
6.1.My verse your virtues rare shall eternize.
7."My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
8.That the first entrance of the holy synaxis is a symbol of the virtues of the soul.
9.Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.
她有许多的美德, 如忠、勇敢和实。
10.the real virtues and diversity of America had never been conveyed in the movies.
11.public pageants and dramas in which virtues and vices were personified.
12.the whole narration is subservient to the moral plan of exemplifying twelve virtues in twelve knights.
13.He never stops extolling the virtues of the free market.
14.Kelvin bridge has the virtues of high sensitivity, precision reading and convenience to use.It is effective tools to measure the electrical resistivity and magnetoresistivity.
15.The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues.
16.But others, who find Quine's arguments unpersuasive, hold that analytical philosophy has virtues quite sufficient to ensure it a role as a central philosophical method for the foreseeable future.
17.Any of a set of 22 playing cards consisting of a joker plus 21 cards depicting vices, virtues, and elemental forces, used in fortunetelling and as trump in tarok.