5.This is a nonimmigrant non-immigrant visa for work in the person's area of special feespecialty.
6.Do you need a visa for Egypt?
7.Do South Africans need a visa to go to France?
8."He foraged about in his bag for a long time, but couldn't find the visa. ()"
9.I was led to believe that I didn’t need a visa to enter the country, and now it appears that I do.
10.As a holder of this visa, you may apply for permanent residence at any time if you are able to meet the passmark on the General Skilled Migration points test.
11.American officials say that they are redoing working to reduce visa delate delays that have effected affected foreign science students, researchers and others.
12.3 .Submit completely filled in " Application Form for Visas or Resident Permits for Aliens , , together with one 2一inch photograph recently taken fullface without headgear ;
3 、提交填写完整《 外国人、居留许可申请表》 ,交2张近期2 寸半身正面免冠照片;
13.3 、提交填写完整《 外国人、居留许可申请表》 ,交2张近期2 寸半身正面免冠照片;
3 .Submit completely filled in " Application Form for Visas or Resident Permits for Aliens , , together with one 2一inch photograph recently taken fullface without headgear ;
14.While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answered YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer.