2.A schoolboy miraculously survived a 25 000-volt electric shock.
一名男学生在遭受2.5 万伏的击后奇迹般地活了下。
3.The main structure have:Electromagnet and Heng galvanism source, numerical type Gauss account(the effect of Huo Er) and ammeter and volt account, have control dish of illuminate the system.
主要结构有:磁铁和恒流源、数字式高斯计 (霍尔效应)、安培计和伏特计、配有照明系统的控制盘。
4.Specially, the capacitance properties of electrodes of CNTs were studied by cycle volt-ampere and galvanotactic charge/discharge technique in two-electrode carbon/carbon cells in detail.
5.Furthermore, Austin climbs into his specially designed Megavolt suit and ups the voltage to over a million volts-the electricity surrounds his body and lightning bolts shoot 20 feet from his hands!