8.the journey covers eight time zones in a westward direction.
9.followed the sun westward across the plains; followed the signs to the monkey house.
10.Geological charact eristics at their locations show continuous or pulsive westward slipping of lith osphere with respect to convection cell.
11.Myra Jehlen argues that Emerson's vision of man coming into his godship through the conquest of nature reads suspiciously like an apology for westward expansion.
12.The closure of Paleo-Tethys along the eastern edge of the Baoshan Block and the northern edge of the Qiangtang Block might have been diachronous, becoming younger and younger westward;
13.During the observation moment both stars were situated westwards from the Sun, the ecliptical longitude difference of the Sun and star X was equal to 100°.
14.Pivoting 90 degrees, Raab pans westward across the sagebrush-stubbled desert until he spots an identical tube and another building, also four kilometers distant.