1.the purpose is to equalize the workload among tutors.
2.Doctors are having to cope with an everexpanding workload.
3.An assistant one day a week would ease my workload.
4.an increased workload that infringed on his personal life.
5.The building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload.
6.the crew's workload can be eased by trimming her down by the stern.
the boat drove stern foremost before the tide。
7.Objective A software used for acquiring and analyzing signals was developed for ergonomical research on Human Workload in space manual system.
8.an extended period of underload, a sudden shift to higher workload can have negative effects on efficiency for tasks that require sustained attention.
9.Automatic Flight System (AFS) is composed of autopilot system and autothrottle system.AFS can help pilot control airplane to improve the flight quality and to reduce the workload of pilot.
10.The new MULTIWAVE 3000 is a microwave platform system with inherent flexibility for various sample preparation applications, designed to reduce the workload between samples and spectrometer.
11.Moreover, the proposed function-detailed and workload-simplified subsystem pipelining software process model presents much higher parallelity than the concurrent incremental model.
12.Inside the big cabin that Sara and Alexis planned to share, the two younger sisters added to their workload by building a dividing bulkhead.That gave each girl a semiprivate berth of her own.