6.turned back in consideration of the worsening weather.
7.Atrial fibrillation and sinus tachycardiac may worsen hemodynamic change and heart function.
8.Already low living standards have been worsened by stringent economic reforms.
9.The fetus may not be acidotic initially;however, continuation or worsening of the clinical situation may result in fetal acidosis.
10.So both cross-sectionally and prospectively researches have focused on the role of insulin resistance in the worsening of glucose tolerance.
11.As her illness worsened her skin took on a pallid, greenish, lurid appearance. More often the term describes what shocks because of its terrible and ghastly nature:
疾病使她皮肤呈现出一种苍白、绿色、可怕样子。 这个词更多用来形容因为本性可怕和恐惧而令人震惊:
12.Still, the youth's shaking had worsened;his reddened eyes seemed afflicted with fluttery tics.