3.Reaction of ferrocenylphenylcarbinol with ethereal solution of boron trifluoride in dichloride methane formed the relevant ferrocenylphenylmethyl carbocation.
4.By fuming with sulfuric-phosphoric acid mixture the residual hydrofluoride was then expelled,and boron was finally determined by curcumin spectrophotometry after distillation.
5.An investigation is also made on determining DMDAAC qualitatively by bromophenol blue test and quantitatively by tetraphenyl boron sodium precipitation reac...
6.Only small amounts of wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite exist naturally or have been made in the lab so until now no one had realised their superior strength.
10.Compounds of boron feature in washing powders and cleaning products (" borax" ), antiseptics and water softeners, and also as additives in fibreglass, but such roles are humdrum.
11.The project's objective is to " determine a form of boron or a boron-based chemical pathway that leads to implementation of boron in energetic compounds, especially fuels (solid and liquid)" .
12.After that, for days, thousands of tons of clay, sand, boron, and dolomite, were dropped by helicopter into the burning reactor to quell the fire, but also to try and prevent the spread of radiation.