7.Yanxi Palace is a gorgeously costumed fantasy, filled with poisonings, betrayals and young women competing for the Forbidden City's great prize: being bedded by the emperor.
8.She was dressed more gorgeously than Susie's fastidious taste would have permitted; and her diamonds, splendid in themselves, were too magnificent for the occasion.
9.He turned from this young lady, who was gaily, not to say gorgeously attired, in a red gown, green boots, and yellow curl-papers, to the other female.
10.Usually, black tie dress is more common than any other outfit for men and women, who are gorgeously dressed and richly ornamented, will not hesitate to seize the opportunity to show off their slender figures.
11.Charlie Sloane's slate pencil, gorgeously bedizened with striped red and yellow paper, costing two cents where ordinary pencils cost only one, which he sent up to her after dinner hour, met with a more favorable reception.
12.She was gorgeously dressed in amber and scarlet, with an Oriental brilliancy of tint and profusion of ornament as startling in a Florentine literary salon as if she had been some tropical bird among sparrows and starlings.