13.The adjustable spreading holder and adjustable fabric-feed inclination make straight lines and smooth rolling fabric after scutching polychrome cloth.
16.It is barely ten since systematic deep ocean bathymetry revealed the structure of rifts, fractures and trenches associated with sea floor spreading.
17.Almost immediately after the first Hellboy movie was released in April, 2004, rumours of a squel were spreading throughout the internet like wildfire.
18.An analog artifact where vertical edges in the picture display a spreading to the left or right. Typically caused by midfrequency distortions in an analog system.
19.Isochrones were displayed both during sinus rhythm and AF.Results During sinus rhythm,the atrial excitation wave front begins from sinus node spreading to right atrium(RA)and left atrium(LA).
20.Any virtuous person is willing to cheer his friends on their spreading its wings for dreams,how could i haggle over every ounce upon such chickenshit lost?