3.Aberration and retardation effects are also taken into account when calculating pulse phase, colatitude angle and position angle.
4.The principle of the atom lens using a hexapole magnetic field and its aberration has been discussed.
5.There is a different spherochromatism after the two systems correct secondary spectrum,spherical aberration and comatic aberration.
6.Reasons of the different spherochromatism of the two configurations are researched by Seidel aberration analysis.
7.In the patients with malignant neoplasms, exitsmce of chromosome aberration predicted highly malignant in terms of cither clinical metastasis or pathological grading.
8.The principle of secondary spectrum is introduced and the equations of designing apochromatism objective lens based on wave aberration are presented.
9.Conclusion Sauropus androgynus has certain genetic toxicity of chromosomal aberration induction and its molecular mechanism needs further investigation.
10.Apochromatic lens: Compound lens corrected for chromatic aberration, i.e. the three primary colours , red, green and blue are corrected. Also called Apochromat.