2.the principle of meritocracy is discordant with claims of inherited worth.
3.the chair's modernity struck a discordant note in a room full of eighteenth-century furniture.
4.bombs, guns, and engines mingled in discordant sound.
5.the noise of cannon fire. Adin is a jumble of loud, usually discordant sounds:
开炮响声。 Din 是高声,通常刺耳声音混合:
6.a rough homespun fabric. Somethingharsh is unpleasantly rough, discordant, or grating:
家纺粗布。 Harsh 描述令人到不愉快地粗糙、不和、刺耳物体:
7.The mineral inclusions in the layered cumulate series are remarkably different in species and chemistry from those in the discordant dunite-troctolite layered bodies.