1.a separator means you can cook more than one thing at once.
2.YDF high-speed biologic separator is a new style centrifuge developed by Sichuan Intercreate bioprocess technology Co.
3.The present invention is improved separating pipe of multitubular cyclonic separator for the fume energy recovering system in petrochemical catalytic cracker.
4.States the latent hazardness of such hydrocarbons as acetylene in air separator, and presents the preventive measures in normal production.
5.Objective To evaluate the clinical efficiency of the frozen apheresis platelets by the Amicus separator,in order to make up for the deficiency of the fresh apheresis platelets during the rescue.
6.This unit is a general separator equipment by screening destoner,dis-dust.It can be effective discard the smaller stone(Like wheat grain)and all kinds of impurities.
7.The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower,cyclone separator,biochemical reactor,exsiccator,fluidized b...
8.The gas-solid two-phase flow in a semiround-pipe inertia separator is simulated with RSM model to the gas phase and DPM model to solid phase.
9.The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower, cyclone separator, biochemical reactor, exsiccator, fluidized bed, heat exchanger are reviewed.