2.It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal.
3.the anomaly of English spelling
4.congenital anomaly of reproductive system
5.there are a number of anomalies in the present system.
6.A case of trisomy 22 liveborn female baby with multiple congenital anomalies is described.
7.Paraduodenal hernias are thought to occur because of anomalies in fixation of the mesentery of the ascending or descending colon.
8.The hydrocarbon geochemical anomalies in the Haijiao Uplift and the ZhejiangFujian Upfold are the result of upwards seepage of hydrocarbon in the deep preCenozoic sedimentary basin.
9.It is suggested that lumbosacral agenesis, a severe congenital defect, might be one of the anomalies of diabetic embryopathy.
10.Conclusion: Prenatal diagnosis of fetal gastrointestinal tract anomalies is of instructional clinical value in eugenetics and postnatal treatments.
11.The faulted structure,hydrothermal alteration,gossan,geophysical-geochemical exploration anomalies are comprehensive ore-hunting indicators.
12.Orbital meningocele is a rare congenital anomaly with cystic herniation of meninges caused by a bony defect of the cranio-orbital bone.
13.Undescended testis is frequently accompanied with the anomalies of the spermatic cord,gubernaculum testis,processus vaginalis,and epididymis.
14.The difference between the lithosome shape, distribution of kimberlite and the physical natures of adjacent rock decides the size, intensity of anomaly and the reflecting degrees.
15.Wilder insisted that conditions like cyclopia and diprosopia should not be considered deformations, but rather "symmetrical anomalies on either side of a normal being".
16.Soil geochemical measurement of one ten-thousandth scale indicates that the anomalies of gold, stiver, copper, lead have features of high intensity and well-lapped forms.
17.Focus on design and implementation of K-Means-based anomaly detection algorithm engine and cluster analysis module, as well as the Apriori algorithm based on correlation analyzer.
18.A new means of determining astro geodetic deflection of the vertical CCD automatic astrometer and the new method to determine the difference of height anomalies between two points are described.
19.In case 6, the heart looks "inverted" compared to normal (Figure 8). This phenomenon is called dextrocardia, and it results from a looping anomaly during embryologic development.