2.bractlet apex subacute, without an acicular awn.
3.The results showed that the properties of PA66 were improved and the cost of material was decreased with the addition of the superfine acicular datolite short-fiber.
4.Utricles convex abaxially, plane or slightly concave adaxially; rostra 1/8-1/5 length of kernel; seed adherent to pericarp; leaves and bracts acute but not acicular at apex.
5.Utricles convex on both sides; rostra nearly equal to length of kernel; seed free from pericarp; leaves and bracts acicular to spinulose at apex.
6.Crystal habit: prismatic crystals elongated on c, often flattened on {100} with deep vertical striations, also can be acicular or in cleavable masses.
7.The microstructure of the sample glaze layer under polarizing microscope and reflecting microscope has showed acicular hausmannite crystals on the glaze layer sur...