7.amorphous shapes in subtle gradations of green and blue.
8.The conversion film is probably constituted of amorphous and pored alloying tannate chelate.
9.As to blastfurnace slag, the higher the vitreous body content in amorphous state, the better the effect of reducing alkali aggregate reaction.
10.To suppress the interference of amide groups in the amorphous phase,the film was placed in heavy water for 4 weeks for deuteration and the deuteration rate was determined.
11.The Al-based amorphous alloy forms in the peritectic reaction and peritectoid reaction, and its growth velocity is slow.
12.First, the solid ice on the surface could have been annealed, meaning that its temperature could have been raised above the 78 Kelvin mark to allow the amorphous ice to recrystallize.
13.It is showed that magnetic rings of amorphous material on a conductor can notably increase its inductance and make effective suppression on the steepness of the vacuum restriking overvoltage.