1.Some alloys experience an additional solution heat treatment, while other alloys become overaged in the HAZ.
2.Electrometallurgy of steel and ferro-alloys,Afanasyev,Mir Publishers,,TF63
3.Methods: Eight alloys were measured before and after tarnish by chromometer.
4.It is taking hychroperoxides as masking agents, alumnium in titanium alloys was meascred with aluminon ammonium aurintri-carboxylate.
5.a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it occurs in several complex minerals including carnotite and vanadinite.
6.The crystallology, dislocation mechanism and geometry of twinning during plastic deformation of magnesium alloys are overviewed in this paper.
7.Abstract: The effect of the desaturation aging (DSA) treatment on the strength and the corrosion resistance of ultra high strength aluminium alloys were studied.
8.Semifinishing and finishing of cast irons,non-ferrors metals &alloys and non netallic materials at medium cutting speed.
9.It is shown that the emphasis of future research in this field is placed upon the fabrication and application of homogeneous monotectic alloys ...
10.Small craft -- Hull construction and scantlings -- Part 3: Materials: Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other materials
11.The Swedish tool steels react well to the blueing solution, the varying alloys in the steels react differently, thus giving me an array of interesting colors.
12.a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant to corrosion; used in alloys; occurs in pentlandite and smaltite and garnierite and millerite.
13.In this paper,the mechanism of workpiece burn during grinding of casehardened steel and titanium alloys was studied by the use of SEM,EPMA,XPS and the metallograph analysis.
14.It was reported that the detwinning stress in martensite of Ti-Ni alloys increases with increasing annealing temperature, but the reason for such a strange behavior has remained unclear.
15.Based on the principle of thermodynamics, the authors have made much calculation of the thermal effect caused from oxidation and generation of monodrome alloys and slag.