5.These chemicals are practically insoluble in water.
6.the affair contains all the ingredients of an insoluble mystery.
7.once dry, the paints become insoluble in water.
8.No osmyl and no taste.Soluble in Benzene,Acetone,C2H4Cl2,CS2,toluene,party soluble in alcohol,diethyl ether,insoluble in water,gasoline.
9.It dissolves in hot grease, paraffine, ethanol, chloroform, acetone and aether, but is insoluble in water.
10.The behavioral finance theory seems more persuadable when facing some insoluble phenomenon such as Herd Behavior, Paradox of redemption, Fund discounts.
11.Status: Black powder, soluble in diluted acid, ammonium chloride, salvolatile, potassium cyanide solution, insoluble in water and alcohol.
12.We have observed similar protection and viability with other water-insoluble compounds such as calcium alginate, dimethylglyoxime, zinc carbonate, barium carbonate, and 1-aminoanthraquinone.
13.The process of decoppering through insoluble anode electrolysis in the solution produced by leaching high grade matte nickel using chlorine is intro-duced in this paper.