1.The lamp cup is made from Germany-original anodic alumian of high purity, featuring long life and durability.
2.The color of the aluminum-anodic-oxidized membrane will be yellow or black due to different electrolytic tinction time.
3.The design parameters of anodic protection coolers and the reason why to choose a prepump process are presented.
4.To improve the anti-corrosion performance of electrocoating,organic andinorganic inhibitors are applied in an anodic electrophoretic-coating.
5.Application of anodic electrocoating including pretreatment, bath composition and quality control is decribed.
6.The selective oxidation of ethers by chromic reagent, peroxide, nitric acid, oxygen and ozonide, as well as the ethers anodic oxidation are particularly introduced.
7.This paper introduces an improved porcelainous anodic oxidation and analyzes the effect of different process parameters on quality of oxide films.
8.The air-bubble formation in the hard anodic oxidation of aluminum alloy (ZL109) pistol was studied using a pulse/galvanostat electric power supply device.
9.Isoniazide was concentrated at a bismuth - coated glassy - carbon electrode and determined by the anodic stripping voltammetry in 0.
10.However, after about 20 hours, the anodic film thickness decreased sufficiently to allow the faradaic processes toinerease to, the final steady state value.