Alfalfa Seeds (Lucerne Medicago Sativa), Persian Clover Seeds (Trifolium Resupinatum, Shaftal), Berseem Clover Seeds, Sesbania Seeds , Guar Seeds , Sorghum Sudan Seeds.
Alfalfa Seeds (Lucerne Medicago Sativa), Persian Clover Seeds (Trifolium Resupinatum, Shaftal), Berseem Clover Seeds, Sesbania Seeds , Guar Seeds , Sorghum Sudan Seeds.
Dandelion stems are full of milk, clover heads are loaded with nectar, the Frigidaire is full of ice-cold drinks.
Researchers are experimenting with field covers of such nitrogen-rich plants as Berseem clover, said Jim Brandle, a university professor in shelterbelt ecology.
Lethal dwarfism syndromes are associated with brachycephaly or clover-leaf skull deformity rather than dolichocephaly.
Red cloveR was grown in the central compartment inoculated or uninoculated with VA mycorrhizal fungus G·mosseae.
He inherited his father’s fortune and has lived like a pig in clover ever since.
An average summer output in excess of 900 kg . liveweight per ha. could not have been obtained if there had been a complete reliance on clover nitrogen.
Action and Uses Red clover is used for menopausal symptoms and hot flashes, cyclic breast pain or tenderness (mastalgia), cancer prevention, indigestion, whooping cough, cough, asthma and bronchitis.
这些成分的雌激素活性高, 对于预乳腺癌、前列腺癌、结肠癌、改善骨质疏松和改善妇女更年期症状有重要作用。
Contains: red clover leaf and flowers, nettle and meadowsweet leaf, calendula, chamomile and lavender flowers, gotu kola leaves and, a pinch of stevia.