2.The street plan of the city has evolved as a series of concentric rings.
3.An onionskin-likestructure of concentric dust shells surround a central, aging star.Twin beams of light radiate from the star and illuminate the usuallyinvisible dust.
4.2. Spoon sour cream into resalable plastic food bag. Snip off corner. Pipe sour cream in 4 concentric circles onto guacamole.
5.Charles has presented an analysis of the concentric flow of long cylindrical capsules carried in an equidensity liquid in laminar motion.
6.As forecasted by the Method, the book I found (entitled Hadal) was surrounded by broad concentric rings of similar pseudobooks.
7.They display a different pattern of flame structure to an experienced eye, which consists of concentric radiating flames and parallel banded layers displaying a distinct “pseudo-chatoyancy” effect.
8.Consisting of concentric circles of stone surrounded by a moat (called a "henge"), Stonehenge was constructed in several stages over thousands of years.
9.The 4 kinds of agent change into circular, then concentric circle;aerial mycelium first appears lacte, then changes into cinereous or black, aerial mycelium grows luxuriantly.