1.houses made uninhabitable by radioactive contaminant
2.Endocrine disruption by environmental contaminants has recently emerged as a new subdiscipline of environmental toxicology.
3.Say in findings report, the chemical contaminant that exists generally in French household is acerbity salt of formaldehyde, aldehyde, phthalein and DDVP.
4.Phytostabilization: Immobilization of a contaminant through absorption and accumulation by roots, adsorption onto roots, or precipitation within the root zone of plants.
5.Instead, their test tube was filled with some "contaminant": A high molecular weight polymer they would soon identify as the first actin-binding protein, later called filamin A.
6.The results have indicated that under the actions of WSW winds the contaminants are favored to diffuse seaward, whereas under the actions of E and ESE winds they are accumulated coastward.