6.mask off doors and cupboards with sheets of plastic.
7.They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.
8.They ask for more funds, but the cupboard is bare.
他们要求提供更多的资金, 然而我们已囊空如洗。
9.The room was furnished with a cupboard and some old furniture.
10.Look in the cupboard and see if we have any more coffee.
11.The cupboard door is hinged on the right, so it opens on the left.
12.The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys, and other rubbish.
13.It's only cupboard love; she wants some sweets!
别看她那么讨人喜欢, 她要吃糖!
14.When he had convinced himself that there was no honey in the cupboards, he began to walkdown the passage.
15.The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.
16.If you want the cupboard door open all the time, why don't you nail it back?
如果你想让柜子的门总开着, 为什么不用钉子把门反钉住?
17.the lower section has a central secretaire drawer fitted with a satinwood interior of small drawers, pigeon holes and small central cupboard, the cupboards below fitted with wide sliding shelves;
18.The cat seems especially fond of her, but it’s just cupboard love. She’s the one who feeds him.