4.Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, latiseptate, sessile or shortly stipitate;
5.Fruit dehiscent silicles or rarely siliques, obpyriform, obovoid, or rarely linear, shortly stipitate;
6.Lomentum (pl. lomenta) A dry dehiscent fruit formed from a single carpel and bearing more than one seed, as in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia).
7.Fruit indehiscent or tardily dehiscent, often lomentaceous siliques, breaking transversely into 1(or 2)-seeded units, linear or oblong, terete, sessile;
8.A dry, dehiscent fruit of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), typically less than twice as long as wide, with two valves separating from the persistent placentae and septum (replum).