5.Objective to determinate recipe and producion craft of Armillarisin A Injection.
6.Selenium content in Se_enriched yeast's autolysate was determinated by adopting spectrofluorimetry.
7.The colorimetry of sulfuric acid and p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde used to determinate the fusel oil of alcoholic liquor,but it occurs deviation.
8.A determinate cymose inflorescence with a zigzag rachis;often used in the same sense as helicoid.
蝎尾状的 Scorpioid 花序轴“之”字形弯曲的有限聚伞花序。
9.The interclass difference matrix is calculated by using the fault class feature data from simulation in order to determinate the ambiguity sets.
10.The parallactic refraction between the stars and the satellite is small and well determinate, except for the irregular stellar movements known as erratics.
11.Based on analysing the factors influncing loosener efficiency, this paper points out that the operat ing parameters of loosener are an important factor and it must be determinated rationally;
12.Sample was digested in polytetrafluorethylene sealed vesssle by nitric acid-perhydrol or high chloric acid-perhydrol, Hg As Pb were simultaneously determinated by ICP-AES.