1.Fruit a drupe, often with headlike, wax-covered papillae;
2.Leaf blade leathery; pistillode conic to cylindric; drupes indehiscent, enclosed by persistent calyx lobes.
3.Drupe (pyrenocarp) A fleshy indehiscent fruit containing one or more seeds each surrounded by a hard stony wall, the endocarp.
4.Fruit globose or ovoid berries or drupes with a crustose endocarp, apex ± covered by persistent calyx, often longitudinally orange punctate-lineate.
5.Definition: Virgin olive oil is the fatty oil obtained by cold expression or other suitable mechanical means from the ripe drupes of Olea europaea L.
6.2. A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb) of the rose family, having white flowers and small, ovoid, black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking.