the emergence of scientific truths.
the emergence of scientific truths.
the progressive emergence of the child as a responsible being.
The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.
最近10 年证了经济增长的姿态。
Second, the emergence of polydomain structure can be attributed to the variation of direction of temperature gredient.
The emergence of post-colonialism provides us a theoretical foundation to digest the Westernism.
Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.
The annual competition has encouraged the emergence of several talented young musicians.
Natural allure is the most potent of beauty ingredients.This re-emergence of nature as seductress and enchantress is what captivates the imagination and creates the ultimate goddess.
The subjectival Western philosophy emphasizes "ego" and advocates "solipsism", but the emergence of modern phenomenology has changed the situation and "otherness" is paid close attention to.
Rubin, from widespread application of routine screening with the Pap test, the emergence of gynecologic oncology as a distinct medical subspecialty, and the completion of important clinical trials.
【文献摘要】The decline in deaths from cervical cancer in the US, as well as the improved survival of women with advanced disease have resulted, according to Dr.