I did the figuring in my head.
I did the figuring in my head.
2. Careful bargainer that she was, Colo then broke the key chain and gave Jendry a link, perhaps figuring…
This comes in many forms - figuring out the koan (or riddle) of Zendo, getting the pieces into place in Ubongo or FITS, or figuring out how to use your pieces to build a route, as in Turbo Taxi.
有许多形式包括了Zendo找、Ubongo 或 FITS让板块符合空间,或在Turbo Taxi中,利用板块来建立路线。
CWA President Morton Bahr, an elder statesman of the federation, opposed Sweeney in 1995, figuring a power struggle was bad for labor, even though he agreed with Sweeney’s goals.
CWA会长Morton Bahr,作为一名联邦政界元老,在1995年曾反对Sweeney,指权利斗争对劳工不利,虽然他认同Sweeney目标。