4.The projection from abducent nucleus to oculomotor nucleus;
英文名称: The Neuroanatomical study of internuclear ophthalmoplegia;
5.the nucleus of a British film-producing industry.
6.1000 books as the nucleus of a new library 1000
7.These young people formed the nucleus of the club.
8.a few paintings that formed the nucleus of a great art collection.
9.To study the distribution of the medial rectus subnucleus of oculomotor nucleus in rats.
10.Background—The nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is the primary integrative center for baroreflex.
11.Biolaterally labeled motoneurons of uvala muscle were also found in the rostral section of the nucleus ambiguus.
12.Conclusion ADC and signal intensity in lentiform nucleus were not affected by diffusion gradient directions.
结论 豆状信号强度及其ADC值不受弥散梯度方向影响;
13.For nonassociative rings R with associative in the middle nucleus, R can be associative under some conditions.
14.The perikaryon and process of the CSF contacting neurons in the periventricular nucleus were also in NADPH positive reaction.
15.The complex can translocate from cytoplasm to cell nucleus,where PDX-1 could display its biological functions.
16.The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.
17.While this is occurring an unfertilized egg cell is taken from a Blackface ewe with its DNA filled nucleus taken out leaving a nucleus free egg cell that will later produce an embryo (3).
18.Animal experiment and clinical study showed that low frequency electric stimulation on pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) could obviously reduce the akinesis of PG.
19.Cerebral C-T scan and brain echogram revealed multiple calcification spots scattered on the frontal lobe, caudate nucleus and periventricular area.