1.People find fulfillment in working for a common goal.
2.He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.
3.She fulfilled her obligations to her parents. Todischarge an obligation or duty is to perform all the steps necessary for its fulfillment:
她尽了自己对父母的责任。 Discharge 是指采取所有达到意程度所需步骤的责任或义务:
4.5.Show Judah’s gradual understanding of the Nathan Oracle’s messianic expectation in pertinent prophectical texts, and the prophetical longing’s ultimate fulfillment “in the fullness of time”.
5.In fulfillment of the words and message of the inspired sProphets, O Jesus, Thou didst appear on earth, and Thou Who art uncontainable didst dwell with men.