4.Epidermodysplasia verruciformis and generalized verrucosis:The same disease?
5.Initial neurologic exam was notable for generalized choreic movements involving facial as well as limb muscles.
6.Since the eighteenth century, sex has not ceased to provoke a kind of generalized discursive erethism.
7.Based on hypoelasticity, this relationshiop is generalized into a three-dimensional stress-strain relationship.
8.It is proved that the substitituon mapping is a proper Fourier integral operator with generalized hypoellipticity.
9.Pseudolinear function as a generalized convex function has been studied extensively.
10.Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man.
达尔文对许多事实加以归纳, 得出了他对于人类起源观点。
11.Generalized argyria is a rare disease caused by deposition of silver in the skin, nails, mucous membranes, and internal organs.
12.This paper establishes a global attractor of hemigroup produced by the initial boundary value problem of generalized convection and expansion equation.
13.With the development of surgical instruments and medical treatment,technique of laryngomicrosurgery has been accepted and generalized by more and more clinical physicians.
14.In metastatic melanoma a generalized darkening of the skin (diffuse melanosis cutis) may occur.Usually melanuria is also present.
15.The GATT includes a general waiver from the principle of nondiscrimination for generalized system of preferences programs.
16.The authors generalized the basic rules for isochronic correlation by using seismic reflection profile in the SZ36-1 oil field.
17.Preeclampsia-eclampsia is caused by generalized vasospasm, activation of the coagulation system, and changes in autoregulatory systems related to blood pressure control.