4.one step cocondensation of cyclohexanone and formaldehyde in the presence of organic solvent and sodium hydrate;
5.a well-hydrated body sweats out waste products more efficiently.
6.Abstract: The reaction of methyl ethyl ketazine and water to hydrazine hydrate was studied in the catalyst conditions.
摘要: 以丁酮连氮和去离子水为原料,研究了在催化剂条件下丁酮连氮水解制水合肼的不同工艺条件;
7.Conclusion 10% chloral hydrate anesthesia and glass cannula enswathement are availability for mouse tail skin transplatation.
8.Sodium phenolate and acetophenone can be obtained by adding sodium hydrate into azeotrope.
9.The poozzolanic effect of fly ash on shape looks and function of the Calcium aluminite,Which is the cement hydrated product,is also introduced.
10.Objective :Study on the calmative effects of chloral hydrate given by oral and clysis routes in children with different ages before examination and therapy.
11.Corrosively medium for chemical production such as sodium hydrate,caustic soda,sulfuric acid,nitric acid,acetic acid,fatty acid.
12.As we know, there are close relations among gas hydrates and faults, carbonate, seepage flow and salt diapirism.
13.a green mineral consisting of hydrated silicate of potassium or iron or magnesium or aluminum; found in greensand.
14.The hydrated silicon dioxide with three layers structure of micron-submicron-millimicron was observed through TEM.
15.The colloidal particle is the polycondensate of hydrated silica gel (multi-silica acid), belongs to a non-crystalline-state substance.
16.Superplasticizer mainly absorbs on the cement hydrates covering the surface of cement particles instead of on the surface of unhydrated particles.
17.Submarine temperature, pressure, gas compositions, geothermal gradient and syngenetic water salinity control the depth of hydrate zone basement.Autochthonous bacteriogenic mod...
18.According to comparing various hydrate promotors and their experimental conditions,it indicates that methylcyclohexane is a good promotor to form st...
19.It penetrates effectively and improves the cells to form transparent hydrated retia, directly provides skin with abundant nutrition and moisturizes the deep skin.