2.his judgement became impaired by faith in his own infallibility.
3.Zoomer was created to help visually impaired people.
4.an impaired child in need of special assistance.
5.The patient's intelligence has been impaired by a brain injury. Tomar is to impair by or as if by disfiguring:
由于脑伤,病人的智力受损。 mar 是指通过或好象通过破坏使受损:
6.After operation, the cause of impaired vision was maculopathy or macular injury during trauma.
7.signed his approval; sign instructions to a hearing-impaired teammate.
8.His hearing was impaired by the continuous great noise for a long period of time.
9."dactylology :The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas, as in the manual alphabet used by hearing-impaired and speech-impaired people."
"dactylology :The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas, as in the manual alphabet used by hearing-impaired and speech-impaired people."
11.an injury that impaired my hearing; a severe storm impairing communications.See Synonyms at injure
令我听力受损的伤;破坏了通信的大风暴参见 injure
12.The most common impaired field which resulted is psychonosema in frontal and temporal lobe, moreover, the brain contusion is the primary type.
13.The rights protection law for the comsumers enables any impaired comsumer to claim money from the company.
"[english]coast.vgossip_01" "Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired. "