7.induction into membership of a masonic brotherhood.
8.3 is to use a typical induction and public opinion trochaic;
9.The experiments of diapause induction showed that both short daylength and low temperature were major factors of diapause induction in T.urticae.
10.magnetic induction; electric impedance; magnetoencephalography; simulation; magnetic potential
11.His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.
12.A basic model was built for the induction heating detacher by the ANSYS finite element analysis(FEA) software.
13.induction of labor ;threatened spontaneous abortion.
禁忌症: Hypersensitivity to ergot, ergonovine products ;
14.Abstract: Objective To analyze the factors influencing latency period of induction and predict the inducibility.
摘 要: 目 分析影响引产潜伏期主要国家与评价引产成功难易程度。
15.In this review, induction, screening and identification of the mutants of plants in study of photoprotection were summarized.
16.Amniotomy is an effective method of labor induction when performed in women with partially dilated and effaced cervices.
17.How does lactose bring about the induction of syn thesis of β-galactosidase, permease, and transacetylase?
18.The results show that steric hinderance effect of methyl groups in the poly-o-methylaniline is more prominent than induction effect and hyperconjugation.
19.At present, the research and development of a machinable magnetizer at home and abroad have created a favorable condition for further development of induction heating technology.
20.A prototype of high frequency induction heating power is developed by multidevice parallel connection and using power MOSFETs as the power switch.